Guiding Gen Z and Organizations to Mutual Success Consulting on Gen Z Recruiting and Retention and Preparing and Coaching Gen Z to Thrive


Changing Behaviors Consulting



Changing Behaviors Consulting Services

OUR SERVICES include coaching, consulting, and speaking to educate organizations on the needs of Gen Z and building management and leadership skills to meet those needs.

  1. Attracting and Retaining Gen Z

  1. Generational Differences

  2. Building a culture for Gen Z to thrive

1.    Attracting and Retaining Gen z

It is pretty well proven that young professionals won’t stick around very long, so the goal is to get them to stay longer. It can take up to 6 months to fully orient employees to when they make a real contribution. We will help create a culture with work practices and processes to generate greater loyalty and longer employment. We will identify pain points, collaborate on a comprehensive action plan, and work with you to achieve your goals.

'“I receive many good resumes but I can’t seem to get high-quality candidates to come back for a second interview or even accept an offer. I know something is missing in my organization and I need help to figure it out.”

2. Helping Gen Z Thrive in the Workplace

This involves preparing both the leaders and supervisors to understand Gen Z challenges and to adapt behaviors to help them thrive. It also includes helping Gen Z understand the challenges of work and guiding them to be successful.

3.    Generational Differences

Quite a bit is written and discussed regarding Gen Z, Millennials, Gen Xers, Boomers, and the Silent Generation. We see situations where they work well together and others where it is a disaster, seriously affecting productivity.

Here are a few examples:

“I asked Meredith, a Millennial, to stay late to help me prepare for the workshop tomorrow morning. She said she couldn’t, she was busy. She didn’t even apologize.”

“My new intern isn’t very friendly. She works in the dark staring at her computer screen with headphones on. I can barely get her attention, and when I do, she acts like I am bothering her.”

“I have this very smart junior analyst who completes his work before I can even think of the next project assignment. I am afraid he is bored and will leave before I can get him oriented.”


The leader is often the last to know how employees really feel about working, what works for them and what doesn’t.


"Tend to the people, and they will tend to the business."

John Maxwell